• 대한전기학회
Mobile QR Code QR CODE : The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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  • 한국과학기술단체총연합회
  • 한국학술지인용색인
  • Scopus
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Title A Study on the Experimental Fabrication and Analysis of MOS Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion Device
Authors Ko, Gi-Man(Ko, Gi-Man) ; Park, Sung-Hui(Park, Sung-Hui) ; Sung, Man-Young(Sung, Man-Young)
Page pp.203-211
ISSN 1975-8359
Abstract MOS silicon solar cells have been developed using the fixed (interface) charge inherent to thermally oxidized silicon to induce an n-type inversion layer in 1-10 ohm-cm p-type silicon. Higher collection efficiencies are predicted than for diffused junction cells. Without special precautions a conversion efficiency of 14.2% is obtained. A MOS silicon solar cell is described in which an inversion layer forms the active area which is then contacted by means of a MOS grid. The highest efficiency is obtained when the resistivity of the substrate is high.