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Title Multi-function Wattmeter for Voltage, Current, and Power Measurement
Authors 박영태(Park, Yeong-Tae) ; 유권상(Yu, Gwon-Sang) ; 장석명(Jang, Seok-Myeong)
Page pp.568-572
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords thermo-elements ; thermal converter ; wattmeter ; instrument ; measurement
Abstract High precision voltages, currents, and electrical power measurements in wide range of frequency can be achieved by using the thermo-elements(thermal converters). This paper describes a development wattmeter, based on a thermal principle. The instrument has been performed measurement in the range of currents from 0 to 50 A, voltages up to 480 V, power factor 0.5 (lag, lead), 1 and frequencies from 60 Hz to 3 KHz. It is intended to be used by electric utilities, standard laboratories, testing laboratories, and applications where high measurement accuracy are attractive consideration.