Title |
A Forward/Reverse API Translator for Real-Time Operating System Based on a Model-Driven Approach |
Authors |
박병률(Park, Byeong-Ryul) ; 맹지찬(Maeng, Ji-Chan) ; 이종범(Lee, Jong-Bum) ; 류민수(Ryu, Min-Soo) ; 안현식(Ahn, Hyun-Sik) ; 정구민(Jeong, Gu-Min) |
Keywords |
API 변환기 ; 역환환 ; 임베디드 소프트웨어 개발 MDA(Model Driven Architecture) ; RTOS |
Abstract |
This paper presents an automated API translator for embedded software development based on a model-driven approach. Since MDA(Model Driven Architecture) provides little support for the development of embedded software, we propose a new approach containing its advantages. First, we define #generic APIs# which do not depend on any RTOS#s but provide most of typical RTOS services. We can describe RTOS-related behaviors of target application using these generic APIs in a CIC(Common Intermediate Code). Then, we propose a transformation tool for translating between a CIC using generic APIs and a C-code for specific RTOS. The proposed API translator converts them using XML transformation rule which is defined outside. It indicates that an API translator extends to other RTOS#s by modifying or adding the transformation rule. From the experiment. we validate the proposed method. |