Title |
A Time-based Apriori Algorithm |
Authors |
강형창(Kang, Hyung-Chang) ; 양근탁(Yang, Kun-Tak) ; 김철수(Kim, Chul-Soo) ; 이윤정(Rhee, Yoon-Jung) ; 이봉규(Lee, Bong-Kyu) |
Keywords |
Association rules ; Apriori algorithm ; Time-based |
Abstract |
Association rules are very useful and interesting patterns for discovering preferences of each person in digital-content services. The Apriori algorithm is an influential algorithm for mining frequent itemsets for association rules. However, since this algorithm does not take into account reference times of each content as an important support factor, it cannot be used to extract associations among time-based data. This paper proposes an augmented Apriori algorithm discovers association rules using both frequencies and usage times of each item. |