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Title A Study on the Equivalent Controller Design for Transient Stability Simulation in Power System Planning
Authors 송성윤(Sungyoon Song)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2025.74.2.229
Page pp.229-237
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Transient Stability (TS); User-Defined Model (UDM); Controller Design; PSS/e
Abstract In this paper, an equivalent controller concept has been proposed to observe various future grid scenarios under the PSS/e dynamic simulation. The equivalent controller has been proposed to efficiently manage transient simulations with a large-scale power system planning database. Note that the sizes of renewable power plants and high-voltage direct current systems have grown to the point where their effects on the power system can no longer be neglected. To address these issues, it is imperative to create several future grid databases to ensure a stable and reliable power grid. The objective is to maximize stable dynamic simulation runs while minimizing the computing requirements. The proposed controller can be used to roughly observe stability trends. This method can efficiently manage dynamic simulations and provides a simple and fast simulation without requiring all the control blocks from manufacturers.