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Title Analysis of Iron Loss Characteristics of PM-Assisted and Fluid-Shaped Synchronous Reluctance Machines for Micro EVs
Authors 최재승(Jaesung Choi) ; 최길수(Gilsu Choi)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2025.74.3.425
Page pp.425-431
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords PMa-SynRM; FS-SynRM; Micro EV traction machine; Iron loss; DC bias field; Minor loop; Hysteresis model
Abstract This paper examines the iron loss characteristics of a permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance machine (PMa-SynRM) and a fluid-shape synchronous reluctance machine (FS-SynRM) for micro EV applications, emphasizing the impact of DC bias fields and minor loops on iron loss estimation. Iron losses are comparatively evaluated using three methods: the Steinmetz method with constant coefficients, the loss separation method with varying coefficients and FFT, and the hysteresis-based model that accounts for minor loops and DC bias fields. The results show that iron losses per unit stack length are higher in the PMa-SynRM, where the effects of DC bias fields and minor loops are more pronounced. Moreover, the Steinmetz and loss separation methods, which neglect these effects, overestimate motor efficiency by up to 1.5% and 0.3%, respectively. This study highlights the importance of incorporating DC bias and minor loops in iron loss and efficiency calculations for micro EV traction machines.