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Title Solution to Mitigate the Disadvantages in the Design of LLC Resonant Converters for Electric Vehicle Fast Chargers with High Output Power and Wide Output Voltage Range
Authors 박하민(Ha-Min Park) ; 이형우(Hyung-Woo Lee) ; 박찬배(Chan-Bae Park) ; Youguang Guo(Youguang Guo) ; 이재범(Jae-Bum Lee)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2025.74.2.316
Page pp.316-325
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords fast chargers; high output power; wide output voltage range; magnetizing inductance; air gap; AC loss; transformer; heat
Abstract As the number of electric vehicles grows, the development of fast chargers is advancing rapidly. A DC-DC converter that can deliver high output power, a fixed input voltage, and a wide output voltage range is critical for electric vehicle fast chargers. While the LLC resonant converter is commonly used in these converters, it requires a low magnetizing inductance, which increases the transformer air gap, causing additional AC losses in the windings due to the fringing effect. To mitigate these issues, this study explores design solutions in LLC resonant converters. By using two transformers per module, with the primary sides connected in series and the secondary sides in parallel, the number of primary turns can be reduced, minimizing the air gap. This reduction also allows for structural changes in the windings, improving heat dissipation. Magnetic field analysis and circuit simulations were conducted to validate the proposed DC-DC converter design.