(Hui-Seok Gu)
(Sang-Yong Park)
(Hyo-Sang Choi)
(Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Chosun Univerity, Korea)
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers(KIEE)
Key words
Transformer, Fault current, Circuit breaker, DC Circuit breaker, Superconductor, Quench
1. Introduction
High-voltage DC (HVDC) converts high-voltage AC power to DC for power transmission
and then converts it back to AC on the customer side. HVDC has low power loss for
long-distance power transmission and its connection to a grid is easy because it is
not affected by frequency. Moreover, if the power transmission distance is longer
than approximately 600 km, it is economically less costly than HVAC considering the
line cost, terminal cost, and losses [1]. For this reason, many research institutes and companies worldwide have conducted
research on HVDC [2]. To apply a HVDC system to a grid, a fault current of several kA must be cut off
within a few ms, and circuit breaker technologies with high operation reliability
and stability are required. DC, however, does not have a current zero point unlike
AC, and it is difficult to implement technology for eliminating high arc energy. The
DC circuit breakers developed by a number of companies, such as GE, SIMENSE, and ABB,
exhibited high losses when the cut-off time was fast and slower cut-off time when
the loss value was reduced. Moreover, they were only focused on performance, thereby
reducing the economic effectiveness of the circuit breaker technologies.
In this study, a transformer-superconducting combined circuit breaker (T-SCCB) that
combines a superconducting combined circuit breaker (SCCB) with a transformer was
proposed for the stable blocking of the DC fault current[3-4]. Two types of circuit breakers were compared considering various aspects including
the blocking performance, current limiting rate, and damage to the superconductor.
System analysis was conducted using the EMTDC/PSCAD simulation software.
2. Blocking Theory and Mechanism according to the Fault Current Limiter Type
2.1 SCCB theory and mechanism
그림. 1. 한류부 타입에 따른 회로도
Fig. 1. Circuit diagram according to current-limit type
In the normal state, the superconductor maintains zero- resistance at cryogenic temperatures,
allowing current to flow without loss. In the case of a fault in the system, however,
the fault current exceeds the critical current of the superconductor, and the superconductor
is quenched. This puts the superconductor in a normal-conducting state and generates
impedance, thereby limiting the fault current. Equation (1) shows the phase transition of the superconductor [5]. The fault current limited by the superconductor is blocked by the mechanical DC
circuit breaker. When the mechanical circuit breaker of the main circuit performs
the opening operation, the fault current is conducted to the commutation circuit.
In this instance, oscillating current is generated in the main circuit by LC, and
a current zero period is generated by the current. At the same time, the circuit breaker
is completely opened. Blocking is then completed by discharging the residual current
through surge arrest.
$R_{sc}$ : Resistance of superconductor, $t$ : Time,
$R_{m}$ : Quench resistance of superconductor, $T_{SC}$ : Time constant of superconductor
2.2 T-SCCB theory and mechanism
In the normal state, current and counter electromotive force are not induced in the
secondary coil because DC current is used. In the case of a fault, the magnitude of
the current applied to the primary coil varies, thereby changing the magnetic flux.
This induces a counter-electromotive force in the secondary coil, as shown in Equation (2). Moreover, the current is delayed due to the winding reactance. Therefore, the current
is delayed first by the coils of the transformer when a counter-electromotive force
is induced from the primary coil to the secondary coil. Owing to the same turn ratio,
the magnitude of the current in the secondary coil is the same with that of the fault
current in the primary coil. The current induced in the secondary coil is also delayed,
and the superconductor is quenched when the fault current exceeds its threshold. The
secondary current is then limited by the quenched superconductor. As the secondary
current is limited, the primary current is also limited. The reactance that occurs
when the primary current is limited is shown in equations (3) and (4). A counter-electromotive
force is generated in the secondary coil to offset the magnetic flux in the primary
coil, as shown in Equation (2). The limited fault current is then blocked in the same manner as SCCB.
2.3 Simulation Design
For the first time in South Korea, a construction project for VSC-HVDC between Wando
and Jeju Island with the facility capacity of 150 kV and 200 MW is being planned.
Therefore, a ground fault was simulated under the applied voltage of 150 kV and the
fault occurrence of 0.1 sec, using the EMTDC/ PSCAD simulation software. The designed
maximum magnitude of the fault current was 70 kA, and the line reactance was set to
0.1 mH. The maximum quench resistance of the superconductor was set to 5 Ω, and the
time constant to reach the maximum quench resistance within 2 ms was 0.055. Moreover,
the transformer was designed according to the applied voltage. The turn ratio was
set to 1:1 for the same current magnitude in the primary and secondary coils. The
leakage reactance was set to 0.001 pu for the ideal transformer model. For the design
of the DC circuit breaker, Mayr Arc was used for the arc modeling, as shown in Equation (5) [6].
Mayr Arc is applicable when a small current occurs between the circuit breaker contacts
at plasma temperatures below 8,000 K. Table 1 shows the parameters used in the design of the DC circuit breaker.
$g$ : Arc conductance, $\tau$ : Arc time constance
$u_{{arc}}$ : Arc voltage, $P_{o}$ : Arc cooling power
표 1. 차단부 모델링 매개변수
Table 1. breaker modeling parameters
DC circuit breaker
0.2 mH
43.51 uF
Arc modeling
Mayr Arc type
Arc cooling power
5,000 kW
Arc time constant
0.3 usa
2.4 Simulation Analysis
Simulation analysis was conducted by designating SCCB and T-SCCB as A and B, respectively.
Fig. 2 shows the current-limiting characteristic curves of A and B in the event of a fault.
In the normal state, the normal current of 5 kA flowed in the line in a stable manner
because the superconductor maintained the superconducting state with zero impedance.
In the event of a fault, the fault current was directly conducted to the superconductor,
and the maximum fault current was limited to 37.50 kA within 2 ms for A. For B, on
the other hand, the current was delayed because it was applied to the superconductor
through the primary and secondary coils of the transformer, and the fault current
was limited within approximately 6 ms. In this case, the maximum fault current was
found to be 24.20 kA.
그림. 2. 한류부 타입에 따른 고장 전류 특성
Fig. 2. Fault current limiting characteristics according to the current limiter type
Fig. 3 shows the blocking characteristics of the circuit breakers according to the current
limiter type. For A, the CB of the main circuit began the opening operation after
the circuit breaker relay operation time. This blocking operation was supported by
the commutation and absorption circuits, and the blocking operation was completed
at 16.50 ms after the fault occurrence.
그림. 3. 한류부 타입에 따른 DC 회로 차단기의 차단 특성
Fig. 3. Blocking characteristics of DC circuit breakers according to the current limiter
For B, on the other hand, the operation of the circuit breaker was delayed first because
of the limited current caused by the superconductor through the transformer. Moreover,
the operation of the circuit breaker was completed 63.88 ms after the fault occurrence.
This was approximately 3.87 times longer compared to A, indicating that blocking was
delayed. After the operation of the superconductor due to the fault current, the circuit
breaker performed the blocking operation. Fig. 4 shows the power burden on the superconductor.
그림. 4. 한류부 타입에 따른 초전도체의 전력 부담
Fig. 4. Power burden on the superconductor according to the current limiter type
When a fault occurred, the power of the superconductor reached 5,124.26 MW within
2 ms due to the fault current for A. For B, on the other hand, the power reached 2,956.95
MW after approximately 6 ms. This is because a lower power burden was applied to the
superconductor for B than for A. Therefore, the characteristics of the superconductor
can be protected through the combination of a transformer even when the same capacity
is used. Moreover, as the power can be integrated for A over time, the average power
applied to the superconductor was expressed using Equation (6). The average power was 87.72 MWs for A and 42.36 MWs for B, showing that the average
power of B was approximately 2 times lower than that of A. Fig. 5 shows the power burden on the circuit breakers. The circuit breaker power of A was
2,727.01 MW while that of B was 3,710.05 MW, confirming that B had an approximately
1.36 times higher power burden than A. The average power was 2.78 MWs for A and 12.96
MWs for B, showing that the average power of A was approximately 4.66 times lower
than that of B.
As a result, it was confirmed that the combination of a transformer is effective in
protecting the superconductor because it reduces the power applied to the superconductor
and thus increases the power of the circuit breaker.
그림. 5. 한류부 타입에 따른 차단기의 전력 부담
Fig. 5. Power burden on the circuit breaker according to the current limiter type
3. Conclusion
In this study, the characteristics of two current limiter types for the connection
between the voltage source converter-high- voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC) system
and the circuit breaker were compared and analyzed to derive a circuit breaker that
is the most suitable for the VSC-HVDC system among the current-limiting DC circuit
The analysis results confirmed that the magnitude of the fault current was 13.30 kA
lower for the transformer-superconducting combined circuit breaker (T-SCCB) than for
the superconduct- ing combined circuit breaker (SCCB), and the burden on the superconductor
was also reduced. The fault current limiting time was delayed by approximately 6 ms,
however, and the completion of the opening operation by the circuit breaker was delayed
by 6.6 ms. This indicates the possibility of the secondary accidents, such as a fire
or explosion, if the blocking of the VSC-HVDC system is delayed.
Therefore, T-SCCB is considered suitable for use if further research will be conducted
on increasing the capacity of the circuit breaker and decreasing the blocking time.
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of Korea
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2, pp. 1-7

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2017, Naples, Italy

Seon-Ho Hwang, Hye-Won Choi, In-Sung Jeong, Hyo-Sang Choi, 2018, Characteristics of
DC circuit breaker applying transformer-type superconducting fault current limiter,
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 5600605

Hee-Jin Lee, Gum-Tae Son, Jae-Ik Yoo, Jung-Wook Park, 2013, Effect of a SFCL on commutation
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2018 Graduated from Chosun University, Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering (Bachelor's
2018 to present Master's course in Electrical Engineering
Tel : 062-230-7054
E-mail : huiseok93@naver.com
2016 Graduated from Chosun University, Dept. of Electrical Engineering (Bachelor's
2018 Graduated from the same University (master's degree)
2014 to present Doctor course in Electrical Engineering
Tel : 062-230-7054
E-mail : sangyong4400@gmail.com
1989 Graduated from Chonbuk National University (Bachelor's degree).
1994 Graduated from the same University (master's degree).
2000년 Graduated from the same University (doctor's degree).
Present Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Chosun University
Tel : 062-230-7025
E-mail : hyosang@chosun.ac.kr