1. Introduction
Isolated bidirectional DC/DC converters (BDCs) have become increasingly developing
and widely used in uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), electric vehicles (EVs),
and energy storage systems (ESS) in recent years. For their essential interfacing
with energy storage systems, the bidirectional isolated DC/DC converter has become
a popular research topic recently, and is widely used with DC power systems in low
voltage such as batteries storage systems.
An LLC resonant converter is a typically isolated dc/dc converter that is widely used
in energy storage systems due to its high efficiency, a wide range of zero voltage
switching (ZVS), zero current switching (ZCS), and electrical isolation. When the
power flows in forward mode, the LLC converter can achieve voltage gain greater than
one or less than one which means can operate in both boost mode and buck mode by applying
frequency conversion for the switches. However, when the power flows in backward mode,
the magnetizing inductance of LLC is not involved in the resonant because it is paralleling
with the voltage on the secondary side. Owing to the excitation inductance clamped
by the voltage on the secondary side, the LLC resonant tank has become LC-type during
backward mode (1). The voltage gain of the backward mode is less than one, thus the converter cannot
operate in boost mode to achieve the requirement of voltage gain at the high voltage
side. That is why LLC resonant converter is usually used in the case of unidirectional
voltage regulation or bidirectional without voltage regulation (2). However, in the ESS application, the bidirectional LLC resonant converter required
a wide-rage voltage regulation during the backward mode.
To achieve the wide-range voltage regulation of a bidirectional LLC converter, many
researchers generally modified the resonant tank of the circuit. By adding a resonant
capacitor on the secondary side, the CLLC resonant converter can operate bidirectional
power transmission but it has a complexity of parameter design and control strategy
(3). In (4), the auxiliary LC resonant tank was added at the secondary side to equalize the primary
LC component when operating in backward mode. The converter becomes a symmetrical
CLLLC resonant converter. However, it required the accuracy of the resonant parameters
and was not suitable for applications with different forward and backward voltage
gain. In (5), a resonant tank with bidirectional symmetry can be built by paralleling the auxiliary
inductor on the input side of the resonant tank, but the loss and volume of the auxiliary
inductor are significant. In (6), the parallel configuration of switches in LLC resonant converter was proposed for
battery charger. In (7), a three-level LLC resonant converter was proposed by adding more switches. This
method can be used to modify the resonant tank and achieve bidirectional wide-range
voltage regulation.
Through the topologies mentioned above, it is possible to achieve effective backward
voltage regulation. However, the addition of components has an impact on the efficiency
of the forward mode, and the difficulty of converter parameter design. Without modifying
the basic structure of the LLC resonant converter as presented in (8), the step-up control technique was proposed to help the backward normalized voltage
gain being greater than one. This step-up control technique turns on rectifier switches
for recovery of the energy of resonant components to increase the normalized voltage
gain value to two. However, since its backward normalized voltage gain is two at the
resonant frequency, it is not appropriate for shifting between backward step-down
and backward step-up modes. Simultaneously, when operating in light load, the switching
frequency required to obtain normalized voltage gain is near to one that leads to
generating large switching loss.
In summary, there has been a lot of research on bidirectional wide-range voltage regulation,
which illustrates the significance of this study. However, the majority of this research
relies on changing the topology, which increases the number of additional components,
system loss, difficulty in designing parameters, and complexity of the control scheme.
These implementations were only focused on the forward mode analysis due to the symmetrical
operation of the converter after modifying the resonant tank. There has been a few
research on achieving a bidirectional wide gain range without modifying the architecture.
With only control methods cannot switch smoothly and the control effect is weak for
light loads condition.
To solve the issue of wide-range voltage gain without changing the basic circuit of
the LLC resonant tank, the two-stage structure is implemented in this paper as studied
in (9). this paper proposed a two stages structure topology which is a simple topology in
order to achieve natural bidirectional power flow, easy for control, wide-range voltage
regulation, and capable for the variable load. Figure 1 shows the two-stage bidirectional converter scheme. The isolated LLC resonant converter
operated near the resonant frequency to achieve high efficiency and without voltage
regulation. Furthermore, it could be operated at a fixed frequency and fixed duty
cycle and play a simple role in galvanic isolation. In terms of voltage regulation
capability and dynamic performance, the non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter
was provided the operation in buck/boost mode to achieve voltage gain adjustment.
The non-isolated converter is operated to regulate voltage either high side voltage
or low side voltage according to the demanded load power. And also directly control
current or voltage for CC or CV mode for charging and discharging operation, respectively.
Fig. 1. two stage bidirectional converter scheme.
This paper analyzed the backward mode operation by applying a simple topology to achieve
wide-range voltage regulation and soft switching. The operational characteristic for
bidirectional LLC converter is analyzed in Section II. The analysis of the backward
mode LLC converter operational characteristics was presented in Section III. The backward
mode of LLC converter soft switching is verified by simulation and experiment presented
in Section IV.
2. Analysis of bidirectional LLC converter operation characteristic
Figure 2 shows the LLC resonant converter schematic. The switch S$_{H1}$ – S$_{H4}$ are primary
switches, S$_{L1}$ – S$_{L4}$ are secondary side switches. C$_{R}$ is the resonant
capacitor, L$_{R}$ is the resonant inductor, L$_{m}$ is the transformer excitation
inductor, the transformer turn ratio is 10:1, C$_{i}$ is the primary capacitor, and
C$_{o}$ is the secondary capacitor. V$_{i}$ is the primary input voltage of the converter,
V$_{BAT}$ is the secondary output voltage of the converter, and V$_{CR}$ is the voltage
on the resonant capacitor.
Fig. 2. LLC resonant converter schematic
When the converter is operating in forward mode, it means charging the batteries.
The power flows from the higher voltage side to the lower voltage side of the battery.
In contrast, the converter is operating in backward mode, which means discharging
the batteries. The power flows back from the lower voltage of batteries to the higher
voltage side.
The bidirectional LLC converter equivalent circuits are shown in Figure 3. In the charging case as shown in Figure 3 (a), LLC resonant converter provides isolation and helps to achieve a wide range of soft
switching. In addition, the integrated resonant inductance in the transformer can
achieve high power density. In the discharge case, the magnetizing inductance is in
parallel with the battery voltage and not involved in the resonance illustrated in
Figure 3 (b). But the reactive current via the magnetizing inductance can improve the soft switching
and reduce the switching loss. Owing to the magnetizing inductance L$_{m}$ of the
LLC converter is generally made with a large value, the $I_{Lm_max}$ value is small,
and the turn-off losses of switches are small which helps to achieve soft switching.
The turn-off losses are possibly neglected when the $I_{Lm_max}$ value is very small.
Fig. 3. Bidirectional LLC scheme and equivalent circuit. (a) Charging mode. (b) Discharging
According to the equivalent circuit of Figure 3, a resonant frequency can determine by resonant tank L$_{R}$ and C$_{R}$ as shown
in equation (1). The equivalent load resistance R$_{e}$ is shown in equation (2). The ratio of total primary inductance to resonant inductance m is expressed in equation (3) (10).
Where R$_{0}$ is the load resistance, V$_{0}$ is the output voltage, P$_{0}$ is the
output power, N$_{P}$ is the primary turns number, and N$_{S}$ is the secondary turns
The voltage gain of the resonant converter was obtained by relating with equivalent
load resistance R$_{e}$, quality factor Q$_{e}$, and normalized switching frequency
F$_{x}$. The quality factor Q$_{e}$ value depends on the load current as shown in
equation (4). Lighter load conditions operate at lower Q$_{e}$ values whereas heavy loads operate
at high Q$_{e}$ values. The normalized switching frequency F$_{x}$ is expressed in
equation (5) which is the result of the division between switching frequency f$_{s}$ and resonant
frequency fr.
In the LLC condition mode, the ratio of total primary inductance to resonant inductance
m is involved in voltage gain K(Q$_{e}$, m, F$_{x}$) as shown in equation (6) (10). Since the backward mode is different from the forward mode of the LLC resonant converter,
the voltage gains of backward are not involved with magnetizing inductance L$_{m}$
due to the paralleling of L$_{m}$ and lower voltage side. Equation (7) expressed the voltage gain of the LLC converter in backward mode K(Q$_{e}$, F$_{x}$).
Figure 4 shows the operation mode of the LLC converter for discharging direction. Mode I,
switches S$_{H1}$, S$_{H4}$, S$_{L1}$, S$_{L4}$ are turn-on and S$_{H2}$, S$_{H3}$,
S$_{L2}$, S$_{L3}$ are turn-off. Power flows through the resonant tank (L$_{R}$, C$_{R}$)
and also charges into the magnetizing inductance of transformer L$_{m}$ then supply
to the load. In Mode II, all switches are turned off during dead time. The magnetizing
inductance L$_{m}$ charge/discharge to the output capacitor of switches. During Mode
III, the switches S$_{H1}$, S$_{H4}$, S$_{L1}$, S$_{L4}$ are turn-off and S$_{H2}$,
S$_{H3}$, S$_{L2}$, S$_{L3}$ are turn-on. This operation mode is similar to Mode I.
After Mode III the dead time and other half-switching period begin again.
Fig. 4. Operation mode of LLC converter for discharging direction.
3. Analysis of backward LLC converter operation characteristic
When the power flows in backward mode, the magnetizing inductance of LLC is not involved
in the resonant tank but parallel with the secondary side voltage. Even though LLC
resonant tank becomes the LC type during backward mode due to the excitation inductance
clamped by the voltage on the secondary side, the backward LLC resonant converter
is not the same as the series resonant converter (SRC).
As previously mentioned, the backward mode of the LLC converter has different soft
switching conditions from the SRC converter even though their voltage gains are the
same. SRC converter usually operates the switching frequency above the resonant to
guarantee the soft switching (1), but when the backward mode of the LLC converter operates the switching frequency
above the resonant, the turn-off current would be larger. However, the freewheeling
of field current helps the converter achieve soft switching while the switching frequency
is slightly smaller than the resonant. Thus, the switching frequency of LLC backward
mode is operated below the resonant frequency in the range $0.89\le f_{s}/f_{r}\le
0.92$ in order to achieve the soft switching, ZCS for secondary switches, and near
ZCS for primary switches. Figure 5 shows the key waveforms of LLC backward mode operated in three different frequency
ranges $0.65\le f_{s}/f_{r}<0.89$, $0.89\le f_{s}/f_{r}\le 0.92$, and $0.92<f_{s}/f_{r}\le
1.2$, respectively.
Fig. 5. Key waveforms of LLC backward mode operated in three different frequency ranges.
(a) $0.65\le f_{s}/f_{r}<0.89$, (b) $0.89\le f_{s}/f_{r}\le 0.92$,
(c) $0.92<f_{s}/f_{r}\le 1.2$
In this bidirectional LLC backward mode as shown in Figure 5, the waveform of current and voltage of secondary switches are expressed about ZCS.
Figure 5 (a) condition, turn-on current is achieved ZCS but turn-off current has generated the
losses. The turn-off current losses are larger when f$_{s}$/f$_{r}$ moves to a lower
value. Figure 5 (b) condition, the turn-on and turn-off current are achieved ZCS. Figure 5 (c) condition, turn-on current generated the losses, and turn-off current is large. The
turn-on current losses and turn-off current are larger when f$_{s}$/f$_{r}$ moves
to a higher value.
Fig. 6. Equivalent circuits of backward mode LLC. (a) Mode I (t$_{0}$~t$_{1}$), (b)
Mode II (t$_{1}$~t2), (c) Mode III (t2~t3).
Figure 6 shows the equivalent circuit of backward mode LLC that is derived from Figure 4. V$_{i}$ in here is the voltage terminal between leg1 and leg2 of primary side switches.
nV$_{BAT}$ is the voltage at the primary side of the transformer. Figure 7 shows the key waveform of the operation principle for LLC backward mode.
Fig. 7. Key waveform of LLC backward mode.
Mode I (t$_{0}$~t$_{1}$): The equivalent circuit of this mode is shown in Figure 6 (a). Start at t$_{0}$, switches S$_{H1}$, S$_{H4}$, S$_{L1}$, S$_{L4}$ are turn-on and
S$_{H2}$, S$_{H3}$, S$_{L2}$, S$_{L3}$ are turn-off. The secondary side switches are
turn-on and turn-off ZCS. Based on the equivalent circuit we can drive the resonant
current $i_{LR(t)}$ as following equation below:
The resonant current $i_{LR(t)}$ in Mode I is a sinusoidal waveform. Then it can be
expressed as
Where $\omega_{R}$ is the angular resonant frequency, $Z_{R}$ is the impedance of
the resonant tank, and $n$ is the turn ratio of the transformer.
Mode II (t$_{1}$~t2): The equivalent circuit of Mode II is shown in Figure 6 (b). All switches are turn-off at t$_{1}$ and resonant current $i_{LR(t1)}$, becomes
equal to peak magnetizing current $i_{Lm_max}$ obtained in equation (14). During mode II the output capacitors of primary side switches are charged and discharged
by the $i_{Lm_max}$.
Mode III (t2~t3): The equivalent circuit of Mode III is shown in Figure 6 (c) which opposite switches on-off with Mode I. the switches S$_{H1}$, S$_{H4}$, S$_{L1}$,
S$_{L4}$ are turned off and S$_{H2}$, S$_{H3}$, S$_{L2}$, S$_{L3}$ are turned on.
The operation mode and formula equations are similar to Mode I. The soft switching
for the primary side is nearly ZCS and achieved ZCS for the secondary side. After
Mode III the dead time and other half-switching period begin again.
4. Simulation and experiment
Table 1. System parameters of LLC converter
Resonant inductance
Resonant capacitance
Magnetizing inductance
Ratio of L$_{m}$ and L$_{R}$
Resonant frequency
Backward switching frequency
Turns ratio of transformer
Output power
Battery voltage
Input voltage
Voltage PI gain
Voltage PI gain
Current PI gain
Current PI gain
Table 1 shows the system parameters of the LLC resonant converter. Figure 8 shows the voltage gains of the LLC converter backward mode. The best point of normalized
frequency FX is 0.9 which means the switching frequency is 50kHz. According to equations (2) and (4) the maximum quality factor Q$_{e}$ is 0.56 when the maximum power is 4kW. Thus, the
voltage gain matched three curves as seen in Figure 8.
Fig. 8. voltage gains of LLC converter backward mode.
Figure 9 shows the simulation schematic for an isolated LLC resonant converter in backward
mode. The system parameters in Table 1 are used in the simulation. Backward mode discharges the battery power to supply
load at the primary side. The battery voltage is 24V and the load is used as resistance.
The operated switching frequency for backward mode is 50kHz. The primary side switches
are near soft switching ZCS, and the secondary side switches are achieved pure soft
switching ZCS. Since the secondary side currents are high, the soft switching ZCS
at the secondary side must be more concentrated due to the heating and efficiency
effect. Figure 10 shows the simulation waveform of primary and secondary switches. Figure 11 shows the current and voltage simulation waveform of primary and secondary that express
ZCS achievement. The current and voltage are met at
Fig. 9. Simulation schematic of isolated LLC resonant converter.
Fig. 10. simulation waveform of primary and secondary switches
Fig. 11. Simulation waveform of primary and secondary side. (2kW)
zero crossing which means the converter operated on soft switching ZCS.
Figure 12 shows the expanded voltage waveform of secondary side that generated the parasitic
resonant oscillation during deadtime. This parasitic resonant oscillation is generated
on the secondary side of the converter due to parasitic impedance, such as the stray
capacitance of switches and stray inductances. The equivalent stray capacitance is
about 2800pF, and the equivalent stray inductance of the secondary side is transformed
from the primary side, which equals 0.185uH. By using the formula (1), the parasitic
resonant waveform during dead time is calculated to be 7MHz.
Fig. 12. Parasitical resonant generate on voltage waveform
Figure 13 shows the simulation results of load resistance variation to demonstrate ZCS operation.
The simulation compares the secondary voltage and current for power levels ranging
from 1kW to 4kW.
Figure 14 shows the experimental setup for a bidirectional LLC resonant battery charger. The
system parameter values used in the experimental setup are shown in Table 1. The main parts of this experimental setup are the DSP board for control of the system,
the filter inductor of the non-isolated converter, transformer,
Fig. 13. Simulation results of load resistance variation. (a) 1kW, (b) 2kW, (c) 3kW,
(d) 4kW.
non-isolated converter parts for buck/boost voltage gain requirement, the primary
side of isolated converter parts, the secondary side of isolated converter parts.
The bidirectional LLC resonant converter can operate in forward and backward modes.
In the forward mode, the switching frequency is fixed and operated at the resonant
point. The power flow from the high-voltage side (DC-link) to the low-voltage side
(batteries). The non-isolated DC-DC converter is operated for voltage regulation in
buck/boost mode to achieve voltage gain adjustment and directly control current or
voltage for CC or CV mode in charge/discharge operation. In backward mode, the switching
frequency is fixed 50kHz and operated slightly smaller than the resonant point is
0.9 of normalized switching frequency. The voltage of the primary side is lower than
the DC-link voltage. Then the non-isolated converter regulates voltage to meet the
required value. Operated in this point of frequency for backward mode, the LLC resonant
converter achieved the soft switching.
Figure 15 shows the backward mode experiment waveform of the LLC resonant converter expressing
the soft switching ZCS. Figure 15 (a) is the soft switching ZCS of comparison between primary voltage V$_{Pri}$ and secondary
current $I_{Sec}$. Figure 15 (b) is the soft switching ZCS of comparison between secondary voltage V$_{Sec}$ and secondary
current $I_{Sec}$. Figure 15 (c) compares waveform of primary current $I_{L_R}$ and secondary current $I_{Sec}$. The
experimental result showing for soft switching characteristic ZCS for the secondary
side of converter. These waveforms were generated in a 2 kW, where the higher voltage
side is the DC-link voltage of the PV system at 370V. A non-isolated DC-DC converter,
controlled by a DSP control board using current and voltage control methods, was used
for buck/boost voltage connected with V$_{i}$ voltage in the range of 210V to 270V.
The resonant frequency of the resonant circuit is designed to be close to the switching
frequency of the converter. This ensures that the switching transitions occur at zero
voltage or zero current points, which minimizes switching losses and reduces electromagnetic
interference. This is achieved by controlling the switching timing and frequency of
the converter.
During the on-time of the switching device, energy is transferred from the input voltage
source to the resonant tank. The resonant inductor stores the energy in the form of
a magnetic field, while the resonant capacitor stores the energy in the form of an
electric field. The resonant tank continues to accumulate energy until the voltage
across the resonant capacitor reaches the voltage of the input source.
At the beginning of each switching cycle, the current through the resonant circuit
is zero, and the voltage across the switching device is also zero. As the switch turns
on, the voltage across the primary winding of the transformer begins to increase,
and the resonant circuit begins to oscillate. The voltage across the switch then rises
gradually until it reaches the resonant voltage of the resonant circuit. This means
that the switch is turned on at a zero-current point, which results in soft switching.
Similarly, during turn-off, the resonant circuit discharges through the switch,
Fig. 14. Experiment setup for bidirectional LLC resonant battery charger.
Fig. 15. Backward mode of experiment waveform ZCS. (a) V$_{Pri}$ and $I_{Sec}$. (b)
V$_{Sec}$ and $I_{Sec}$. (c) $I_{L_R}$ and $I_{Sec}$. (2 kW)
and the switch is turned off at a zero-voltage point, which also results in soft switching.
5. Conclusion
This paper presented the backward mode analysis of the bidirectional LLC resonant
converter without changing the basic topology of the LLC resonant tank. In forward
mode, the converter operates at the fixed frequency at the resonant point which has
kept voltage gain constant at 1 with load variation and achieved soft switching. In
backward mode, the converter also operated in fixed frequency but below the resonant
point which is 0.9 of normalized frequency in order to achieve soft switching. The
fixed frequency operation is an easy control method for isolated LLC resonant converter.
The complement of voltage gain requirement for DC-link voltage during backward mode
is achieved by the non-isolated converter.
This research was supported by Korea Electric Power Corporation. (Grant number : R21XO01-3)
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He received B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Polytechnic Institute
of Cambodia, Cambodia, in 2019, and is currently pursuing his M.S. and Ph.D. degree
at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon,
He received the B.S. degree from Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea, in 2019.
and M.S, degree at the department of electrical engineering at Chungnam National
University, Daejeon, Korea.
in 2021. Currently he is pursuing Ph.D.
He received the B.S. degree from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1988;
the M.S. degree from the Pohang Institute of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea,
in 1990; and the Ph.D. degree from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA,
in 2004, all in electrical engineering.
From 1990 to 2001, he was at LG Industrial Systems, Anyang, Korea, where he was engaged
in the development of power electronics and adjustable speed drives.
Since 2005, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Chungnam National
University, Daejeon, Korea.