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  1. (Electronics and Automation Department, Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, 2, University str., 100095, Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: 2rahimov_timur@bk.ru)
  2. (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea E-mail: w.suxrob.w@gmail.com)

Mechatronic module, functional linear actuation element, industrial robot, group control, control algorithm, functional structural model.

1. Introduction

The development of automated control systems today is in the leading position in the field of science, technology and technology, including the creation of electromagnetic mechatronic modules that perform power and control functions in mechatronics and robotics. In this regard, it is important to create mechatronic modules based on linear actuators, which provide simplicity and compactness of construction, high power generation, high accuracy and stability of device movement, simplicity of control and high reliability [1,2,3]. In this regard, in developed countries, the issues of creating universal electromagnetic mechatronic modules that allow simultaneous linear and angular reversible step movements in different coordinates in space have not been sufficiently researched, so the creation and implementation of multi-output mechatronic modules with linear displacement is one of the important tasks [2,3,4]. Including at the production process inspection stage, according to the results of the analysis of the sequence of labor movements of the workers, taking into account the direction and kinematic structure of the product assembly and the technological versatility of the models of the functional linear actuators of the selected main mechatronic modules, the cyclogram of their movement, as well as the industry as a whole the principles of their operation are drawn up in robots [1,4].

The cycloramas of the operation of the industrial robot (IR) contains information about the composition and movements of the mechatronic modules, and therefore, although in an indirect form, there is information about the control of these movements. The availability of such information basically allows the industrial robot to use the cycloramas to create a group control program of the functional linear actuators of the mechatronic modules that provide the movements of the executive body. However, logic programming using a cycloramas is not possible due to the heterogeneity of data representation and the uncertainty of control information [2,3]. It is necessary to change the cycloramas to get a formalized view of the data in it according to the control vector $\vec{y}_p$. For this, the cycloramas must first be made into a structurally simplified view that allows establishing a formalized connection between the actions of the functional linear actuators of the mechatronic modules represented in it and the corresponding control actions [3,4]. Among other things, one of the important tasks is to create and put into practice mechatronic modules that perform both linear and rotary movements in space coordinates in order to reduce the weight-gauge indicators of the executive system and simplify the structural schemes.

2. Research Methodology.

In order to effectively organize the process of group control of linear actuators of mechatronic modules, groups of control signals must be correctly selected or have a certain correct structure [4,5]. From the variety of group control structures of electromagnetic (EM) mechatronic module elements, three main options can be distinguished:

- as a complete digital representation of a group control system that implements adaptation and optimization algorithms in addition to the basic laws of adjustment;

- high-speed and accurate, when implemented in the group management style and as a hybrid form of signal processing in internal circuits in analog form;

- as an example of group software control of an electromagnetic mechatronic module connected to a software control system as an external device.

A generalized structural diagram of group control of functional linear actuators based on mechatronic modules of industrial robots is presented in Fig. 1. In the process of controlling the functional linear execution elements of the mechatronic modules [1,4,6] through the structural scheme of group control, the following efficiency can be achieved:

- inter-position control of several executive elements of the mechatronic mechatronic module and industrial robot through a microcontroller control device with fast data exchange;

- controlling the accuracy of the movement of the executive element in the links of the industrial robot and the speed of the coordinates by means of a wide-pulse modulator;

- receiving small displacements or large step displacements when the industrial robot interacts with the production object through the executive element;

- ensuring the state of the mechatronic module in the executive element links and the connection of the industrial robot with the external environment through a group of information sensors [1,5,7].

Fig. 1. Structural diagram of the group control of the functional linear actuator of the mechatronic module


In the structural scheme of the control system, a mechatronic module based on an electromagnetic multi-position linear motion actuator is selected as a control object. The unique quality indicators of the mechatronic module based on this selected electromagnetic multi-position linear motion actuator enable the movements of these industrial robots with high precision and speed, and include the following main advantages (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2. The main advantages of the functional linear execution element of mechatron modules


The components of the mechatronic module with an electromagnetic linear motor include electromagnets, magnetic conductors, and drive coils (Fig. 3) [1,6,7].

Fig. 3. Constructive scheme of functional linear execution elements of the mechatronic module.


Table 1 Sequential movement of the mechatronic module by coordinates


1 and 2 are firmly connected to the electromagnets 7 and 8 through the anchor rod 9. The moving part 10 is mounted on the mast 9 and the electromagnetic coupling $m_1, m_2, m_3$, s is installed on it, the braking clutches $m_{T_1}, m_{T_2}, m_{T_3}$, are attached to the body, The flexible cable 15, 16 is placed on handles and guide rollers 17, 18, 19, which allow to obtain three rotations (α,β,γ ) and three linear movements (x, y,z).

The principle of operation of the functional linear actuator of the mechatronic module, which provides the directions of movement, is illustrated by the state table (Fig. 4). The linear motion of the mechatronic module [7,8,9], based on the state table, allows performing linear and angular reversible step movements with high accuracy and speed.

The logical state "1" corresponds to the on state of the power electromagnets EМ1 , EМ2, and the electromagnetic couplings $m_1, m_{T_1}, m_2, m_{T_2}, m_3, m_{T_3}$ and a, b, c indicate the left and right movements of the shafts (Fig. 4). A logic "0" state corresponds to the off state. Including, since the action levels of determining each position of the functional linear actuators of the mechatronic module are independent, we will consider the process of formalization on the example of the cycloramas of the movements of the functional linear actuators of the mechatronic modules [10,11]. The steps of the sequence of control commands for mechatronic modules with different number of positions for each degree of freedom are presented in Tables 1-2.

Sequence of actions of executive elements and control commands [12]:


Fig. 4. Cycloramas of the directions of movement of the functional linear actuation element of the mechatronic module.


where $R_k^i-$ is the "correct" movement of the executive element with the arrival of the output link to the $i -$ position: $\overline{R}_k^i-$ is the "reverse" movement of the executive element with the arrival of the output link to the $i -$ position.

The process of obtaining a sequence of control commands does not depend on the type of cycloramas, the positions and degrees of movement of the space coordinate systems in which the IR works, and therefore, the initial cycloramas containing the working diagrams of control objects with discrete control features, including technological equipment, or such objects is invariant [13,14].

There are 7 ways to obtain a sequence of group control commands for a given cycloramas, which are as follows:

1) according to the state diagram, groups of cycles of the stepping movement of this mechatronic module executive element are determined;

2) from the group of cycles, the start cycles of the mechatronic module execution element stepping action are selected;

3) the selected cycles according to the 2nd method are recorded in the received traffic signs;

4) sequential sorting and analysis of all diagrams in the given cyclogram;

5) actions recorded for one step for all diagrams are combined into groups;

6) groups arranged in the order of cycle numbers form the necessary sequence of actions;

7) the obtained sequence of actions is written as a sequence of control commands, taking into account the established relationship between actions and commands.

The given methods make it possible to simplify and completely formalize the process of obtaining a sequence of control commands for some given cycloramas (Table 2), and for changing complex cycloramas, the sequence is simply algorithmized and presented in the form of a computer program [15].

Table 2 Mechatronic module action and control command sequence


3. Analysis and results

A group control program for functional linear actuators of mechatronic modules is obtained by performing a series of steps, which are combined into one logic-program control algorithm [1,7,16], a simplified scheme of which is shown in Fig. 5.

In practice, additional efforts should be made in the operation of the functional linear actuators of the mechatronic modules with the basic cycle, depending on their characteristics and sequence, it is possible to distinguish the main three commonly used options for organizing the operation of the mechatronic modules in the operation of the industrial robot.

The first option is suitable for parallel independent operation of different modules, for example, when taking actions in a complex structure.

The first option is suitable for parallel independent operation of different modules, for example, when taking actions in a complex structure.

Fig. 5. A simplified scheme of the group logic-software control algorithm of the functional linear execution elements of the mechatronic modules.


According to the third option, IRs work in several different, but interrelated cyclic sequences, using functional linear actuators of mechatronic modules in performing operations, as well as using the mode of software adaptation to design conditions [17,18]. The existence of the listed options for the operation of IR implies taking into account their features in the creation of programs and algorithms for group logic-program control.

Let's consider the first option for organizing the operation of mechatronic modules in the operation of an industrial robot on the example of a functional graph with a branched structure (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. A structural graph model of the organization of the operation of functional linear actuators of mechatronic modules in the operation of an industrial robot.


The division of control commands (I and II) into substructures of control commands (I and II) in the branching parts of the graph (for example, state $p_7$) reflects the separation of the functional linear execution elements of the mechatronic modules in all links of all IRs typical for the described process into groups that operate independently at certain time points due to conditional technology. In relation to the example under consideration, the functional model is described by the following expression:


where is the structural division of the functional graph model with branched structure; and are the components of the functional graph.

Based on the uncertainty about the part $p_1$ corresponding to the substructure Π of the model, it can be concluded that this part changes its value and therefore in the case of $p_1$ is fully included in the dynamic component of the whole model [6,19]. As a result, the components of the functional model can be expressed as follows:


For subchain structures I and II, and for any other case, the same static and dynamic components can be obtained. At the same time, the creation of logic equations of control commands is carried out according to method 4. The peculiarity is that when forming a group of data signals in the cases where a parallel substructure is connected, this group must include signals about the execution of commands in the final states of all connected substructures. Thus, for the $p_4$ state, both the $x_{\overline{3}}$ signal and the $x_{\overline{4}}$ signal must be included in the data group.

Figure 7 shows a graph view of the functional structural model for the second option of controlling the operation of the functional linear actuators of the mechatronic modules in the operation of the industrial robot [2,6,21]. A feature of this logical structure is the presence of conditional (transitions $p_5$ → $p_1$) and unconditional (transitions $p_1$ → $p_5$) parts, as well as the conditional transition state $p_5$. In addition, the conditional part is characterized by the presence of two ($p_6$ → $p_9$, $p_{10}$ → $p_{13}$) ways of making this transition. Considering that in the general case $\left(\left\langle x_k\right\rangle_j\right)_a=\gamma^{-1}\left(\left\langle x_k\right\rangle_j\right)_{a-1}$ in the transition $p_a$ → $p_{a+m}$, the existence of several different paths and the following can be written in the form:


where $\gamma_n^{-1}-$ is the logic function of the signal transformation in control along the $i -$ th path; $n -$ is the number of possible paths.

The selection of the transition path is performed based on the result of executing one of the condition check commands ( $y_2$ or $y_7$ ) of the mechatron module control. Failure to do any of them will stop the transition from taking place along the appropriate path [1,7,21]. The implementation of the transition leads to the state $p_1$ due to the expression (3), the initial state for the unconditional part of the structure and the values of the model components obtained in the state do not depend on the implemented transition path $p_1$ → $p_5$.

Due to the considered characteristics of the functional model components, which are represented by the presence of conditional and unconditional parts of the logical structure, the following characteristics are taken into account when using logic-program control algorithm methods. In each specific case, since any transition in the conditional part of the structure is carried out only by one of the possible paths, when constructing a connection subgraph, parts whose symbols contain mutual indices and belong to different paths cannot be connected with a connection line. In this case, the possibilities of implementing the logic of the control process are defined by the following expressions for the condition and dynamic property $D\left(x_k\right)_a^a+m=0$ :


where $i, r -$ possible transitions are $p_a$ → $p_{a+m}$ and static


components of the model. At the same time, the construction of the uncertainty subgraph does not change. When eliminating the non-implementation of the control logic according to (4), the introduction of additional signals from the memory elements (ME), whose communication lines [3,21,22] should belong only to the conditional or only unconditional part of the structure, is carried out according to method 3. Otherwise, an additional signal included in the set of signals describing one of the possible transition paths is necessarily included in the set of signals for all other paths of this transition.

It should be noted that in the limited case, the entire unconditional part of the logical structure can be reduced to one conditional transition state. It corresponds to organizing the work of functional linear actuators of mechatronic modules in the form of several cycles associated with certain conditions [1,21,22]. A functional graph model describing the operation of the functional linear actuators of the mechatron module in the operation of the industrial robot according to the third option is shown in Fig. 8. Parallel electromagnetic communication processes between I II and III substructures presented in the graph are described. In addition, in substructure III, transition $p_{16}$ → $p_{25}$ can be made along two different paths, depending on the condition of execution of commands $y_{\overline{10}}$ and $y_{\overline{11}}$. Therefore, the application of the logic-program control algorithm in this case requires taking into account all the additions to the above methods for the first and second options for organizing the operation of functional linear actuators of mechatronic modules in the operation of an industrial robot.

Fig. 7. A graph representation of the functional structural model of the control of the operation of the linear actuators of the mechatronic module in the operation of an industrial robot


Fig. 8. A functional graph model describing the operation of the functional linear actuators of the mechatron module with electromagnetic coupling in the operation of an industrial robot.


4. Conclusion

The article deals with the issue of group management of functional linear actuators of mechatronic modules. In industry, the widespread use of computing robots and robotic manipulators in Industry 4 technology fully satisfies the quality indicator of the production enterprise, the limitation of human manual labor, and the safety requirements in the production process. Including the correct organization of management processes for objects with a complex logical structure is one of the urgent tasks. As a solution to these tasks, the structural scheme of the group control of the functional linear linear actuator elements of the mechatron module, which constitutes the main execution mechanism of the industrial robot, and its possibilities were considered. In this structural scheme, the functional linear actuator of the mechatron module was chosen as the control object, and its advantages were fully revealed. The functional linear actuator of the Mechatron module has a heterogeneous structure and serves as a group control of the movement of links in robotic systems. Also, a simplified algorithm has been developed that provides group logic-program control of functional linear actuators of the mechatron module and high-precision performance of industrial robot movements. This developed algorithm is used to program the group control of the functional linear actuators of the mechatron module and to build the structural structure and functional models of the electromagnetic variables of the mechatron module based on graph interconnections. The developed structural and functional graph models have a variable structure and provide high accuracy in group control with the correct and fast selection of cross paths of the mechatron module. A functional structural graph model for controlling the operation of the linear actuators of the mechatron module in the operation of the industrial robot has been developed. Through this given graph, the electromagnetic communication processes between substructures I and II, III of the mechatron module with a heterogeneous structure are described. Group control of functional linear actuators of such a mechatron module allows to optimize the movement of robot manipulators in robotic assemblies and increase energy efficiency and production volume in industrial enterprises.


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Matyokubov Nurbek Rustamovich

PhD associate professor, Department of Automation of production processes, Faculty of Electronics and Automation, Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov. He received a bachelor's degree in Robotics from Tashkent State Technical University in 2008, a master's degree Intelligent Robotic Systems specialization in 2008, and a PhD degree in 2019 05.01.06 - Computer engineering and control system elements and devices specialization received Currently, he is working as a PhD associate professor at the Department of Automation of production processes, Faculty of Electronics and Automation, Tolshkent State Technical University. In addition, he is the coordinator of the leading scientific journal "Chemical Technology. Control and Management". His scientific interests are based on the main goal of his scientific activity: development of mechatronic modules, control and modeling of industrial robots based on intellectualization. In this direction, he has 1 patent, 30 domestic and 10 foreign scientific journals, including those indexed in Scopus and Web of Science scientific databases, and has written and published many scientific articles.

E-mail : nm85@mail.ru.

Rakhimov Temurbek Omonboevich

PhD associate professor, Department of Mechatronics and Robotics, Faculty of Electronics and Automation, Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov. He received a bachelor's degree in Vocational Education (Radio Engineering) from Tashkent State Technical University in 2011, a master's degree in radio engineering equipment and communication media specialization in 2014, and a PhD degree in 2022 05.01.06 - Computer engineering and control system elements and devices specialization received Currently, he is working as a PhD associate professor at the Department of Mechatronics and Robotics, Faculty of Electronics and Automation, Tolshkent State Technical University. His scientific interests are based on the main goal of his scientific activity: development of mechatronic modules, control and modeling of industrial robots based on intellectualization. In this direction, he wrote and published 1 patent, 1 scientific monograph in 20 domestic and 5 foreign scientific journals, including 4 scientific articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science scientific databases.

E-mail :temur5043787@gmail.com

E-mail : lrahimov_timur@bk.ru.

Bobojanov Sukhrob Gayratovich

received his BS degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Urgench branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan, in 2015. He received his MS degree in Telecommunication Technologies from Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan, in 2017. From 2017 to 2018, he worked as an engineer in the Department of Technical Coordination and Support of State Events at Urgench Branch of "Uzbektelecom" JSC. From 2018 to 2020, he worked as an assistant teacher in the Department of Telecommunication Engineering at Urgench Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi in Urgench, Uzbekistan. He received his Ph.D. degree in Software Engineering from Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, South Korea in 2024. He can be contacted at w.suxrob.w@ gmail.com.