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C. B. Park, G. Jeong, 2020, Performance verification of DR- PMSM for traction system according to permanent magnet shape, AIP Adv., Vol. 10, pp. 025105Google Search
C. W. Lee, D. H. Lee, 2013, Development of technology for localization and performance enhancing of existing railway core-parts, KRRI Report 2013-015, pp. 19-68Google Search
J. H. Lim, G. Jeong, H. W. Lee, J. B. Lee, J. S. Lim, C. B. Park, 2021, Design and analysis of the 45kW-class magnetic geared permanent magnet synchronous motor for traction of tram vehicles, Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 14(6360)DOI
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A. R. Munoz, F. Liang, M. W. Degner, Orlando, FL, USA, November 2008, Evaluation of Interior PM and Surface PM Synchronous Machines with Distributed and Concentrated Winding, Industrial Eletronics 2008, In Proceedings of the IECON 2008—34th Annual Conference of IEEE, pp. 1189-1193DOI
L. Sun, M. Cheng, H. Jia, 2015, Analysis of a novel magnetic-geared dual-rotor motor with complementary structure, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., Vol. 62, pp. 6737-6747DOI
K. H. Shin, H. W. Cho, K. H. Kim, K. Hong, J. Y. Choi, 2018, Analytical Investigation of the On-Load Electromagnetic Performance of Magnetic-Geared Permanent-Magnet Machines, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 54, No. 11, pp. 1-5DOI